Rabu, 15 Desember 2010


 tresure hunt 1
Who's involved:  Tim, Bob, Your Dog  the rest of the town is the supporting cast

NOTE:  Make sure you buy at least 15 bags of each vegetable seed.  Trust me,
       you will need them later on.

-  To start off this ending, you must become best friends with Tim and Bob.
   Start loading Tim up on eggs and Bob up on sweets (usually Very Berries work
   great).  At the same time, make sure you have trained your dog up to five
   hearts.  Go to Chapter 16.4 for more about training your pooch.

-  After a few days, Tim will visit you at the farm.  He will exclaim that he
   has found a treasure map and ask if you are willing to help him dig up
   buried treasure.  The next scene shows Tim and you in the Walnut Forest
   (next to the Cafe and Bar).  Tim, using the map, counts off steps to where
   exactly the treasure is buried.  Once he finds the spot, your character
   starts digging.  Eventually, you dig up a treasure chest.  Upon opening the
   chest, you find a lot of old junk and toys.  Bob then appears on the scene.
   He explains that he buried this chest when he was a kid and had forgotten
   about it.  At the time, the stuff in the chest was important to him.  The
   scene ends.

-  Continue to give gifts to Tim and Bob.  After a few more days, Tim will once
   again visit you at your farm.  This time, he states, he has found a real
   treasure map.  It has to do with a treasure in the Sacred Land of Praria
   Forest.  Tim is clueless on this but he has made a copy of the map and gives
   it to you.  Guess it's time to do some investigating.

-  Talking to the townspeople yields few results.  None of them really have a
   clue about the sacred land.  Only the Goddess gives you a hint in stating
   that if you have a smart doggie, then you will be able to find the Sacred

DO NOT, under any circumstances, go into Clove Villa.  If you do, you will
activate the Dia CS and you will end up doing the Treasure Hunt II ending.

-  Continue to visit the townspeople and give them gifts.  Again, you may end
   up activating a few endings by doing this.  Don't worry about it, just
   concentrate on this ending.  Be sure to constantly talk to and give gifts to
   Bob and Tim.

-  There is no set time or day for this CS to happen (mine happened on a Sunday
   morning).  One day, when you are making your daily visits to Clove Villa, a
   CS will occur.  Your dog (you can leave your dog on the farm) will run away
   from your character and head toward the Villa.  Martha will come out and
   wonder what's going on.  After a quick explanation, you notice your dog
   heading for a hill to the left side of the Villa.  When your character
   approaches, your dog and you are transported to the Sacred Land.

-  Tim appears and states that he heard your dog barking.  Tim further
   compliments your dog on its ability to find this area.

-  As Tim, your dog, and your character go farther into the Sacred Land, you
   notice a large stone tablet in front of you, a field in front of it with
   strange markings, and a well.  Tim and your character examine the tablet for
   a minute.  Then Tim looks around and states that the Sacred Land looks more
   like a wasteland as he departs.  If you read the inscription on the tablet,
   it reads, "Plant crops as land tells you and gold will appear".

-  The tablet explains in further detail about what crops to plant.  Remember
   all this weird markings on that plot of land?  Well, those markings have a
   meaning.  You have to plant a certain crop as designated by the marking.
   The markings are:

    -  Star:  Root Plant (Potato)
    -  Square:  Yellow Plant (Corn)
    -  Musical Note:  Brown Plant (Breadfruit)
    -  Heart:  Red Plant (Tomato)

-  Also, if you make a mistake by putting the wrong seeds down, you can use the
   hoe to undo that mistake.  In addition, if you obliterate the symbols by
   hoeing and forget what they are, come back the next day and they will be
   there again.

-  The field is a 5x5 grid and it is marked like this as you are facing the
   stone tablet:

            Legend:  ST=Star; SQ=Square; MN=Musical Note; HE=Heart
-                        +----+----+----+----+----+
                         | HE | HE | MN | SQ | SQ |
                         | HE | HE | MN | SQ | SQ |
                         | MN | MN | MN | MN | MN |
                         | ST | ST | MN | HE | HE |
                         | ST | ST | MN | HE | HE |
-  Your task is to plant the specific crops in these areas and take care of
   them until they are ready to be harvested.  This will mean going up to the
   land every day and watering them.

-  After 8 days has passed, when you enter the Sacred Land, a CS will occur.
   Your character will walk in and notice a treasure chest sitting on top of
   the ground next to the stone tablet.  At this time, Tim enters and exclaims
   that your character has found a treasure.  Upon opening the chest, Tim
   states that it looks like seeds.  He further states that it might be a rare
   flower and asks if he can grow it.  Your character hands him the bag of
   seeds and Tim is off to plant them.

-  Lyla, being the generous soul that she is, has agreed to let Tim borrow a
   little part of her flowerbed to grow the seed in.  Continue to visit the
   Flower Shop area daily (unless it's raining).  After 3 days, a CS will
   occur.  Tim will show up at your farm and state that the flower has
   sprouted.  You both head back over to the flower bed and exchange con-
   versation as to what this flower may be.

-  After a week has passed, Tim show up at your farm.  He will state that the
   flower is blooming.  So the both of you head back over to the Flower Shop
   to see this flower.  Lyla comments on how the flower glows and Parsley
   states that it has a golden light to it.  Lyla then remembers that her
   grandmother told her that this flower bears golden fruit.  Parsley departs
   to research this.

-  2 days will pass then Tim will be knocking on your front door again.  He
   tells you that they are ready to dig up the golden fruit.  You both head,
   yet again, over to the Flower Shop.  You will see Lyla and Parsley also over
   there.  When the fruit is dug up, Tim comments that it's only a plain
   potato.  Woody and Gwen stop by to see the dig.  Parsley comments that it is
   a golden sweet potato.  It is incredibly hardy and nutritious.  It was
   rumored to give eternal life and was nicknamed the "Fruit of Happiness".
   Woody gives a more practical tale stating that it was the only food they
   lived on when they first moved into the homeland.  Gwen suggests that they
   have a Sweet Potato Festival.  Everybody agrees on it being the next day.

-  The next day, head over to the Carpentry Shop Area.  There will be a lot of
   CS so I will briefly give an idea of what is going on.  It opens with Woody
   instructing Bob, Joe, and Kurt to get the tables set up.  As the scene pro-
   gresses, Martha and Gina enter and have a quick conversation.  Your
   character heads up the hill and chats with Bob, Gwen, Ronald, and Wallace.
   Woody comes over and tells about what it was like to first settle the area.
   Parsley then comes up the hill.  Apparently he has sent the potato to a lab
   and they are very interested in it.  With a little work, they can use it to
   feed hungry people.  Parsley further states that there will be no theme park
   or anything else since the land holds a lot of potential.

-  After the ending, Tim, your dog, and your character are busy walking around
   your farm.  Tim states that he heard that the homeland will remain as it
   was.  Tim further states he is happy because he will always want to return
   to somewhere that he knows.  He states he will be going out adventuring and
   wants your character to stick around to hear his stories.  After Tim
   departs, your character looks up to the sky.  Fade out.

                *** THE TREASURE HUNT I ENDING COMPLETED ***  
 tresure hunt 2
Who's involved:  Tim, Bob, Dia with minor roles by Martha and Gina and the rest
                 of the town is the supporting cast

NOTE:  Make sure you buy at least 15 bags of each vegetable seed.  Trust me,
       you will need them later on.

-  This starts out exactly as Treasure Hunt I.  This time, instead of using the
   dog, Dia is the key to solving this ending.

-  After you get the second map, go up to Clove Villa and chat with Dia.  It
   may take a few Blueberries but once she is sufficiently buttered up, a CS
   will occur.  She will tell your character she has no clue about this Sacred
   Land.  She will, however, research this and get back to you on it.

-  Now, you need to visit her most every day.  I say most because you will need
   to meet her outside Clove Villa during the hours of 12-4p.  As you continue
   to feed her blueberries, she will ask if you will lend her an ear.  She will
   only give you pieces of her story so this will require a lot of trips.
   Eventually, her story is basically she was left at Clove Villa in the care
   of Martha and Gina by her parents.  She wants to talk to them and also wants
   to be grown up.  All this eventually ends with her thanking your character
   for helping her out.  Quite a change from the snobbish brat she started out

-  Once she thanks your character for helping her, the stage is set for her
   visit.  There is no set time so continue to butter her up.  Eventually she
   will visit your farm one fine morning.  She will state that her research has
   yielded results and she knows how to get into the Sacred Land.  The next
   scene shows Dia and your characters looking at a hillside on the left side
   of Clove Villa.  Dia states that the gateway is around here somewhere.
   After a little searching, she finds it.  Dia and your character are then
   transported to the Sacred Land.

-  After you enter, you will notice a large stone tablet in front of you, a
   field in front of it with strange markings, and a well.  Dia will lead your
   character up to the stone tablet to read the inscription.  The inscription
   reads, "Plant crops as land tells you and gold will appear".  Dia states
   this seems rather cryptic and departs.  Now, read the stone tablet to under-
   stand what's going on.  Below is the solution to this puzzle.

-  The tablet explains in further detail about what crops to plant.  Remember
   all this weird markings on that plot of land?  Well, those markings have a
   meaning.  You have to plant a certain crop as designated by the marking.
   The markings are:

    -  Star:  Root Plant (Potato)
    -  Square:  Yellow Plant (Corn)
    -  Musical Note:  Brown Plant (Breadfruit)
    -  Heart:  Red Plant (Tomato)

-  Also, if you make a mistake by putting the wrong seeds down, you can use the
   hoe to undo that mistake.  In addition, if you obliterate the symbols by
   hoeing and forget what they are, come back the next day and they will be
   there again.

-  The field is a 5x5 grid and it is marked like this as you are facing the
   stone tablet:

            Legend:  ST=Star; SQ=Square; MN=Musical Note; HE=Heart 
-                        +----+----+----+----+----+
                         | HE | HE | MN | SQ | SQ |
                         | HE | HE | MN | SQ | SQ |
                         | MN | MN | MN | MN | MN |
                         | ST | ST | MN | HE | HE |
                         | ST | ST | MN | HE | HE |
-  Your task is to plant the specific crops in these areas and take care of
   them until they are ready to be harvested.  This will mean going up to the
   land every day and watering them.

-  After 8 days has passed, when you enter the Sacred Land, a CS will occur.
   Your character will walk in and notice a treasure chest sitting on top of
   the ground next to the stone tablet.  At this time, Dia enters and exclaims
   that your character has found a treasure.  Upon opening the chest, Dia
   states that it looks like seeds.  She further states that it might be a rare
   flower and asks if she can grow it.  Your character hands her the bag of
   seeds and Dia is off to plant them.

-  Lyla, being the generous soul that she is, has agreed to let Dia borrow a
   little part of her flowerbed to grow the seed in.  Continue to visit the
   Flower Shop area daily (unless it's raining).  After 3 days, a CS will
   occur.  Dia will show up at your farm and state that the flower has
   sprouted.  You both head back over to the flower bed and exchange con-
   versation as to what this flower may be.

-  After a week has passed, Dia show up at your farm.  She will state that the
   flower is blooming.  So the both of you head back over to the Flower Shop to
   see this flower.  Lyla comments on how the flower glows and Parsley states
   that it has a golden light to it.  Lyla then remembers that her grandmother
   told her that this flower bears golden fruit.  Parsley departs to research

-  2 days will pass then Dia will be knocking on your front door again.  She
   tells you that they are ready to dig up the golden fruit.  You both head,
   yet again, over to the Flower Shop.  You will see Lyla and Parsley also
   over there.  When the fruit is dug up, Dia comments that it isn't golden,
   it is black.  Woody and Gwen stop by to see the dig.  Parsley comments that
   it is a golden sweet potato.  It is incredibly hardy and nutritious.  It was
   rumored to give eternal life and was nicknamed the "Fruit of Happiness".
   Woody gives a more practical tale stating that it was the only food they
   lived on when they first moved into the homeland.  Gwen suggests that they
   have a Sweet Potato Festival.  Everybody agrees on it being the next day.
   Dia then runs off back to the Villa.

-  The next day, head over to the Carpentry Shop Area.  There will be a lot of
   CS so I will briefly give an idea of what is going on.  It opens with Woody
   instructing Bob, Joe, and Kurt to get the tables set up.  As the scene pro-
   gresses, Martha and Gina enter and have a quick conversation.  Your
   character heads up the hill and chats with Bob, Gwen, Ronald, and Wallace.
   Woody comes over and tells about what it was like to first settle the area.
   Parsley then comes up the hill.  Apparently he has sent the potato to a lab
   and they are very interested in it.  With a little work, they can use it to
   feed hungry people.  Parsley further states that there will be no theme park
   or anything else since the land holds a lot of potential.  Dia then
   approaches your character and tells you that she will visit his farm later
   to give him the dish she has made.

-  After the ending, Dia shows up at the farm.  She hands the character her
   dish that she has made.  Your character reacts to the bad food and Dia
   apologizes for it and promises to practice cooking more.  Dia states that
   she is happy at Clove Villa and is glad that your character is her friend.
   She has learned that niceness is much better then selfishness.  She then
   states she is in love with your character and gives him a kiss.  Fade out.


harvest moon save the homeland

Happy Endings
The ending that you earn in Harvest Moon is based on a number of factors, but the main one is the relationships you form during your interactions with the quiet folk of this resort community. Refer to the "It's People" section to find out what each villager likes, then give him/her gifts constantly. This will bring about uncommon events. Participate in each person's little quest in order to bring about a different ending.
Note: Each quest takes a varying amount of time. Some will take as little as three weeks, and others will stretch on for months. You can speed up the process by completely focusing on achieving a specific path. In the descriptions below, we'll tell you who you need to talk to and give hints on what you need to do to bring about your desired ending.
1. Treasure Hunt 1Be friendly to Tim by giving him eggs and sometimes sweets (eggs are cheaper, though). Eventually, he'll show up at your house one morning with a treasure map. When he asks you to join him on a treasure hunt, say, "yes." On the treasure hunt, you will find toys that Tim's father buried when he was a child.
Continue with your life, paying special attention to Tim and Bob. Tim will eventually return to your farm with a real treasure map, which he'll leave with you. Take the following days to get on extra-good terms with your dog. When Tim is up at Clove Villa (usually from 11 am-2 pm), take your dog there. If the time is right, and you are well loved by your dog and Tim, your pup will find a path to the Sacred Land. In the Sacred Land, you'll find a bag of seeds. Take these sacred seeds and plant them in the plot next to the flower shop. Water them every day until you earn the Treasure Hunt ending.
2. Treasure Hunt 2
This quest is exactly like the one above to a point. Once you get the second map, instead of taking your dog to Clove Villa, you just need to visit that farm aloneĂ‚¿a lot. Make sure you are good friends with Dia and Maria. Visit them every dayĂ‚¿especially Dia (she likes fruit, mainly blueberries).
Once you become friends with Dia, she will make a visit to your farm and take you back to Clove Villa with her. She shows you a bag of special seeds she found. As with the above quest, take the seeds and plant them next to Lyla's shop. Water them every day until you get the ending.
3. Cake Contest Katie is key to the Cake Contest. Locate and befriend her -- she works at the Cafe near the lake. Bring her plenty of gifts. She is especially fond of fruit, cookies and flowers (what girl isn't?). Once you have her heart, she'll tell you about the cake-baking contest. She'll explain that she needs a specific recipe. You just so happen to have that recipe at home. Search the shelves of the main room of your house for the book containing it, then take the book back to Katie.
Once she has the book, get together some Golden Eggs and Golden Milk from your livestock (you'll have to be very good at taking care of your animals for them to yield quality milk like this). Once you have the items, check back periodically at the Cafe to test the recipe. Eventually, you'll be instucted to get a book from Clove Villa. Head over there and befriend Dia to get it. Once you have it, take the book and give it to Katie.
Keep checking in, and ultimately she'll instruct you to show up at the Goddess Lake at a specific time. Be there when she says and you'll have an opportunity to make the Moondrop Dew for yourself. Otherwise, the Cafe will make it. Check back there one more time for a final cake sampling...then it's off to the city for Katie. Once she leaves, about a week will pass, and then you'll get your ending!
4. A Fishy Story
If you fancy fishing, this is the ending you'll want to go after. In order to get it, you'll have to befriend Joe, Kurt, and Woody. If you're friends with Joe, he'll eventually give you a fishing rod. Get good at fishing in the nearby lake, and always be sure to reward Joe with what you catch. After you snag three fish or so, Joe will tell you about a legendary fish he once saw. Keep going back to the water hole and giving gifts to Joe, Kurt, and Woody all the time. Soon you'll learn of a new fishing rod in the tool shop. Once it's there, go buy it immediately and start fishing with the new rod.
Continue to catch fish. Soon you'll learn of another legendary fish, which can be seen by going to the lake at night. Once you see the fish, pay more attention to Kurt. Give him gifts and befriend him, and he'll turn your new fishing rod into something even better. Do what he says and he'll make you the Rod of Silver Fish (which could be handy in catching a silver fish).
Return to the lake and fish with Joe. You will be visited by the Harvest Sprites, who will tell you the days you can catch this legendary beast. Return to the lake during these times and try to catch it. Aim your cast at the ripples moving around the lake. Once it bites, reel it in the same way you catch any other fish. You will get the Silver Scale for your efforts. In about a week, you'll see the ending you desire.
5. The BluebirdIf you've gotten the flute in the game, you have already completed a segment of this quest. If you haven't, befriend Louis near the lake (he likes eggs). After a couple of gifts, he'll give you the flute. You can use it to teach your dog how to behave, but that's not all!
Keep being Louis' buddy. Return to the lake every day and eventually you'll see a cutscene where you help Louis feed birds. He will tell you about a special bluebird. Could this endangered species help save the homeland? It sure could.
Continue visiting Louis. Visit him on Saturday near the lake and he'll do a little flute solo for you and Lyla. After this happens, it won't be long before Louis shows up at your farm and asks you to play the flute with him. Accept his invitation. This dual-flute show will lead to the appearance of the rare bluebird. This will save the town and end the game.
6. The Azure Swallowtail It's good to befriend Kurt and Lyla to get this ending; it involves another rare creature, the Azure Swallowtail. As you become friends with Kurt and Lyla, they will tell you all about it. Once you hear what they have to say, find Parsley, the wandering plant guy, and befriend him.
A couple of days after you speak to him, both Parsley and Lyla will show up at your farm and tell you all about the Blue Mist Flower Seed. After this, head over to Louis' Shop and he'll show you the camera he's making to take a picture of the Azure Swallowtail. Shortly after this, Parsley will give you the Blue Mist Seed. Once you get it, head to the area next to the Goddess lake. Till the single patch of soil here and plant the Blue Mist Seed. Make sure you return every day to water this plant. Eventually, a flower will sprout. When this happens, the Azure Swallowtail will show up. Keep visiting the flower until you get your ending.
7. The Goddess Dress
To get the Goddess Dress ending, spend some time getting acquainted with Gina, the younger maid at Clove Villa. Eventually, she'll arrive at your farm and talk to you about the Dress. Visit the Goddess Pond, then swing over to the Cafe and befriend Katie. She will soon arrive at your farm to make a sketch of the dress.
When you talk to the Goddess again, she'll tell you about a silk thread. You can get this at Louis' shop for the tidy sum of 3000 G. Take the thread back to the Goddess, and she will promise to deliver some rainbow cloth to you later. Once she does, give the cloth to Gina, and she'll start making the Goddess Dress. If all goes well, there will be a scene where Dia tries on the dress and everything is wonderful. The ladies will show up at your farm so you can see the dress, and about a week later, the game will end.
8. The Endangered WeaselThe jolly Harvest Sprites are the key to a successful ending in this case, as is Gwen, who lives with her grandfather, the carpenter. As the game progresses, the Harvest Sprites will come and tell you about a white creature that's been harassing them. Later, Gwen will stop by and say it's her weaselĂ‚¿and it's named Snowball. Give gifts to Gwen until she's sweet on you, and soon she'll ask you to take a picture with her at the Goddess Lake. Snowball won't show up for this picture op, but return in a week and the weasel will be there, and you can snap a shot of it. Soon thereafter, Gwen will show up at your farm and a wonderful ending will unfold.
9. The Horse Race
Probably the most fun ending in the game, the horse race allows you to earn a horse and (get this) race to save the homeland. The first objective in this quest is befriending Bob. Do this by going to do part-time work for him and feeding him a constant stream of eggs. If you keep going back to his farm and doing work, and he's happy with you, eventually he'll give you a horse.
Once you get your horse, take really good care of it in order to make it love you. Eventually, the horse will let you ride it. The day after, Bob will visit. Keep taking real good care of your horse and riding it all the time. Bob will show up later, once you've got your horse running. Keep training your horse, and Bob will show up to race. Beat him in the race, and eventually Gwen will show up and challenge you. If you manage to beat her, you will be entered in the national race. If you win this, the homeland will be saved!

kalau gx bisa bhs engglis ada terjemahanya di bawah tuu
Happy ending
Akhir yang Anda peroleh di Harvest Moon didasarkan pada sejumlah faktor, tapi yang utama adalah hubungan Anda membentuk selama interaksi Anda dengan rakyat tenang komunitas resor. Lihat bagian "Orang Itu" untuk mengetahui apa setiap desa suka, lalu beri dia / hadiah terus-menerus. Ini akan membawa peristiwa umum. Berpartisipasi dalam usaha kecil setiap orang dalam rangka untuk membawa tentang akhir yang berbeda.

Catatan: Setiap pencarian membutuhkan jumlah yang berbeda-beda waktu. Beberapa akan memakan waktu tiga minggu, dan orang lain akan peregangan selama berbulan-bulan. Anda dapat mempercepat proses dengan sepenuhnya berfokus pada mencapai jalan tertentu. Dalam deskripsi bawah ini, kami akan memberitahu anda yang anda perlu untuk diajak bicara dan memberikan petunjuk tentang apa yang harus Anda lakukan untuk membawa mengakhiri yang Anda inginkan.

1. Treasure Hunt 1
Jadilah ramah kepada Tim dengan memberinya telur dan kadang-kadang permen (telur lebih murah, meskipun). Akhirnya, ia akan muncul di rumah Anda suatu pagi dengan peta harta karun. Ketika dia meminta Anda untuk bergabung dengannya pada berburu harta karun, mengatakan, "ya." Pada berburu harta karun, Anda akan menemukan mainan yang ayah Tim terkubur ketika ia masih kecil.

Lanjutkan dengan hidup Anda, memberikan perhatian khusus kepada Tim dan Bob. Tim pada akhirnya akan kembali ke peternakan Anda dengan peta harta karun yang nyata, yang dia akan pergi dengan Anda. Ambil hari-hari berikut ini untuk mendapatkan dengan persyaratan ekstra-baik dengan anjing Anda. Ketika Tim sampai di Villa Cengkeh (biasanya dari 11:00-2:00), membawa anjing Anda di sana. Jika waktu yang tepat, dan Anda dicintai oleh anjing Anda dan Tim, anjing Anda akan menemukan jalan ke Tanah Suci. Di Tanah Suci, Anda akan menemukan sebuah kantong biji. Ambil benih suci dan pabrik mereka di plot di sebelah toko bunga. Air mereka setiap hari sampai Anda mendapatkan Treasure Hunt berakhir.

2. Treasure Hunt 2
quest ini adalah persis seperti yang di atas untuk titik. Setelah Anda mendapatkan peta kedua, bukan menggunakan anjing Anda ke Villa Cengkeh, Anda hanya perlu mengunjungi peternakan yang aloneĂ‚ ¿banyak. Pastikan Anda adalah teman baik dengan Dia dan Maria. ¿Mengunjungi mereka setiap daya terutama Dia (dia suka buah, terutama blueberry).

Setelah Anda menjadi teman dengan Dia, dia akan melakukan kunjungan ke peternakan Anda dan membawa Anda kembali ke Villa Cengkeh dengan dia. Dia menunjukkan tas benih khusus ia ditemukan. Seperti halnya dengan pencarian di atas, mengambil bibit dan tanaman mereka di samping toko Lyla's. Air mereka setiap hari sampai Anda mendapatkan akhirnya.

3. Cake Contest
Katie adalah kunci untuk Kontes Cake. Cari dan berteman dengan dia - dia bekerja di Cafe dekat danau. Bawa banyak nya hadiah. Dia khususnya menyukai buah, kue dan bunga (apa gadis yang tidak?). Setelah Anda memiliki hatinya, dia akan memberitahu Anda tentang kontes kue-kue. Dia akan menjelaskan bahwa ia membutuhkan resep khusus. Anda hanya jadi kebetulan memiliki resep di rumah. Cari rak-rak ruang utama rumah Anda untuk buku berisi itu, kemudian mengambil buku itu kembali ke Katie.

Setelah dia memiliki buku ini, berkumpul beberapa Susu Golden Telur dan Golden dari ternak Anda (Anda akan harus sangat baik dari pada merawat hewan Anda bagi mereka untuk menghasilkan susu berkualitas seperti ini). Setelah Anda memiliki item, periksa kembali secara berkala di Cafe untuk menguji resep. Akhirnya, Anda akan instucted untuk mendapatkan buku dari Cengkeh Villa. Kepala di sana dan berteman Dia untuk mendapatkannya. Setelah Anda memilikinya, mengambil buku itu dan memberikannya kepada Katie.

Perlu check-in, dan akhirnya dia akan menginstruksikan Anda untuk muncul di Danau Dewi pada waktu tertentu. Berada di sana ketika dia mengatakan dan Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk membuat Dew Moondrop untuk diri sendiri. Jika tidak, Cafe akan membuatnya. Periksa kembali ada satu lebih banyak waktu untuk sampling kue akhir ... maka itu pergi ke kota untuk Katie. Setelah dia pergi, sekitar seminggu akan berlalu, dan kemudian Anda akan mendapatkan akhir Anda!

4. Sebuah Cerita Fishy
Jika Anda memancing mewah, ini adalah akhir Anda akan ingin pergi setelah. Untuk mendapatkannya, Anda harus berteman Joe, Kurt, dan Woody. Jika Anda berteman dengan Joe, dia akhirnya akan memberikan pancing. Dapatkan baik memancing di danau di dekatnya, dan selalu pastikan untuk hadiah Joe dengan apa yang Anda tangkap. Setelah Anda halangan tiga ikan atau lebih, Joe akan bercerita tentang ikan legendaris ia pernah melihat. Terus kembali ke lubang air dan memberikan hadiah kepada Joe, Kurt, dan Woody sepanjang waktu. Segera Anda akan belajar dari pancing baru di toko alat. Setelah itu ada, segera pergi membeli dan mulai memancing dengan batang baru.

Lanjutkan untuk menangkap ikan. Segera Anda akan belajar lain ikan legendaris, yang dapat dilihat dengan pergi ke danau di malam hari. Setelah Anda melihat ikan, lebih memperhatikan Kurt. Beri dia hadiah dan berteman dia, dan dia akan berbalik pancing baru Anda menjadi sesuatu yang lebih baik. Lakukan apa yang dikatakannya dan ia akan membuat Anda Ikan Rod Silver (yang dapat berguna dalam menangkap ikan perak).

Kembali ke danau dan ikan dengan Joe. Anda akan dikunjungi oleh Sprite Harvest, yang akan memberitahu Anda hari Anda dapat menangkap binatang ini legendaris. Kembali ke danau selama ini kali dan mencoba untuk menangkapnya. Aim cast Anda di riak-riak bergerak di sekitar danau. Setelah gigitan, reel dalam cara yang sama Anda menangkap ikan lainnya. Anda akan mendapatkan Skala Silver untuk usaha Anda. Pada sekitar satu minggu, Anda akan melihat keinginan Anda berakhir.

5. The Bluebird
Jika Anda sudah mendapatkan seruling dalam permainan, Anda telah menyelesaikan suatu segmen dari pencarian ini. Jika Anda belum, berteman Louis dekat danau (dia suka telur). Setelah beberapa hadiah, ia akan memberi Anda seruling. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk mengajari anjing anda bagaimana untuk berperilaku, tapi itu tidak semua!

Tetap menjadi teman Louis. Kembali ke danau setiap hari dan akhirnya Anda akan melihat cutscene di mana Anda membantu burung Louis feed. Dia akan memberitahu Anda tentang bluebird khusus. Apakah ini spesies langka membantu menyelamatkan tanah air? Tentu bisa.

Lanjutkan mengunjungi Louis. Kunjungi dia pada Sabtu di dekat danau dan dia akan melakukan solo seruling kecil untuk Anda dan Lyla. Setelah ini terjadi, itu tidak akan lama sebelum Louis muncul di peternakan Anda dan meminta Anda untuk bermain suling dengan dia. Terima undangannya. Ini menunjukkan dual-seruling akan menyebabkan tampilan pada bluebird langka. Ini akan menghemat kota dan mengakhiri permainan.

6. The Swallowtail Azure
Ada baiknya untuk berteman Kurt dan Lyla untuk mendapatkan akhir cerita ini, itu melibatkan makhluk lainnya jarang terjadi, Swallowtail Azure. Ketika Anda menjadi teman dengan Kurt dan Lyla, mereka akan memberitahu anda semua tentang hal itu. Setelah Anda mendengar apa yang mereka katakan, menemukan Parsley, tanaman orang mengembara, dan berteman dia.

Beberapa hari setelah Anda berbicara dengan dia, baik Peterseli dan Lyla akan muncul di peternakan Anda dan menceritakan semua tentang Blue Mist Bunga Benih. Setelah ini, kepala ke Louis 'Shop dan ia akan menunjukkan kamera dia keputusan untuk mengambil gambar dari Swallowtail Azure. Tak lama setelah ini, Parsley akan memberikan Benih Blue Mist. Setelah Anda mendapatkannya, kepala ke area sebelah danau Dewi. Sampai petak satu tanah di sini dan tanaman Benih Blue Mist. Pastikan Anda kembali setiap hari untuk air tanaman ini. Akhirnya, bunga akan tumbuh. Ketika ini terjadi, Swallowtail Azure akan muncul. Jauhkan mengunjungi bunga sampai Anda mendapatkan akhir Anda.

7. Gaun Dewi
Untuk mendapatkan Dress Dewi berakhir, luangkan waktu untuk berkenalan dengan Gina, pembantu muda di Villa Cengkeh. Akhirnya, dia akan tiba di peternakan Anda dan berbicara dengan Anda tentang Dress. Kunjungi Pond Dewi, maka ayunan ke Cafe dan Katie berteman. Dia akan segera tiba di peternakan Anda untuk membuat sketsa gaun.

Ketika Anda berbicara dengan Dewi lagi, dia akan memberitahu Anda tentang benang sutra. Anda bisa mendapatkan ini di toko Louis 'untuk jumlah rapi G. Ambil thread 3000 kembali ke Dewi, dan dia akan berjanji untuk mengirimkan beberapa kain pelangi untuk nanti. Setelah dia, memberikan kain kepada Gina, dan dia akan mulai membuat Dress Dewi. Jika semuanya berjalan dengan baik, akan ada adegan di mana Dia mencoba gaun itu dan semuanya indah. Para wanita akan muncul di peternakan Anda sehingga Anda dapat melihat gaun itu, dan sekitar seminggu kemudian, permainan akan berakhir.

8. Si Musang Langka
The periang Harvest Sprite adalah kunci untuk akhir yang sukses dalam hal ini, seperti Gwen, yang tinggal dengan kakeknya, tukang kayu. Sebagai permainan berlangsung, Sprite Panen akan datang dan bercerita tentang makhluk putih yang telah melecehkan mereka. Kemudian, Gwen akan berhenti oleh dan mengatakan itu ¿weaselĂ‚ dan itu bernama Snowball. Berikan hadiah kepada Gwen sampai dia manis pada Anda, dan segera dia akan meminta Anda untuk mengambil gambar dengan dia di Danau Dewi. Snowball tidak akan muncul untuk op gambar, namun kembali dalam satu minggu dan musang akan ada di sana, dan Anda dapat snap shot itu. Segera setelah itu, Gwen akan muncul di peternakan Anda dan akhir yang indah akan terungkap.

9. Race Horse
Mungkin paling menyenangkan berakhir dalam permainan, perlombaan kuda memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan kuda dan (mendapatkan) ras untuk menyelamatkan tanah air. Tujuan pertama dalam pencarian ini adalah berteman Bob. Lakukan ini dengan akan melakukan pekerjaan paruh waktu untuk dia dan memberinya makan secara konstan telur. Jika Anda terus kembali ke pertanian dan melakukan pekerjaan, dan dia senang dengan Anda, akhirnya dia akan memberikan kuda.

Setelah Anda mendapatkan kuda Anda, ambil peduli baik itu dalam rangka untuk membuatnya mencintaimu. Akhirnya, kuda akan membiarkan Anda mengendarainya. Sehari setelah, Bob akan berkunjung. Tetap merawat nyata dan menunggang kuda Anda sepanjang waktu. Bob akan muncul nanti, setelah Anda punya kuda Anda berjalan. Jaga pelatihan kuda Anda, dan Bob akan muncul dengan ras. Mengalahkan dia di lomba, dan akhirnya Gwen akan muncul dan menantang Anda. Jika Anda berhasil memukulinya, Anda akan dimasukkan dalam lomba nasional. Jika Anda menang ini, tanah air akan disimpan!

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Cheat Amaterasu dan Kill All Bos Ninja Saga (work)

Nah, agan-agan yang haus cheat mugkin bisa mencoba cheat yang satu ini, cheat ini masih bisa buat membunuh semua boss di level brapa aja. Selain itu juga bisa buat jurus amaterasu, tapi kelihatannya gak permanen, cuma bisa buat pamer-pamer doank hehe. Yah, bagi yang berminat lumayan lah, dari pada maen tanpa cheat sama sekali serasa sayur tanpa garam wakakakak. Oke bagi agan yang berminat dengan cheat ini silahkan download langsung dibawah ini, Gratiss!!!!. Untuk tutorial penggunaan juga sudah saya sediakan didalam cheat, nanti tinggal dibaca aja. Kalau ada yang belum bisa , belajar dulu lahh video dan tutorial fiddler juga sudah ada di blog ini. Oke langsung sedot ke TKP gan.
  1. Cheat Amaterasu dan Kill All Bos Ninja Saga (work), KLIK DISINI GRATISS
  2. Download Passwordnya, KLIK DISINI
  3. Kalau agan ingin ikut survey dan dapet dolar cepet, daftar aja, KLIK DISINI atau DISINI …Terimakasihh
  4. Cheat ini menggunakan fiddler, Download fiddler, KLIK DISINI

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

cheat god hand

Fighting Ring Battle 51
Finish the Fighting Ring Battle 41-50 to unlock Fighting Ring Battle 51.

Jukebox CDs
Complete the listed task to unlock the listed CD for the jukebox:

Jukebox A: Win the game.
Jukebox B: Go to the casino for jackpot pulls and get a ticket for the Jukebox CD.
Jukebox C: Win the game on the Hard difficulty setting.
Jukebox D: Win the game with the "Kick Me" sign on without using any God Hand Reels or God Hand Power.

Fighting Ring challenges
Complete Stage 1 to unlock the Fighting Ring challenges.

Hard mode
Win the game on the Normal difficulty setting to unlock the Hard difficulty setting.

Complete Arena Challenge 51 to unlock a television in the shop, which is used to view trailers.

Chihuahua Race
Complete Stage 2, then chat to the male NPC in the shop.

Fighting Ring Battle 41-50
Win the game on any difficulty setting to unlock Fighting Ring Battle 41-50.

Bonus costumes/outfits
Win the game to unlock the Carnival, Devil Hand, Karate, and Olivia's Bunny Girl costumes. Start a new game and chat to the new NPC in the shop to change costumes.

cheat ps2 black


Unlockable (Clearing Modes)
Silver Weapons ... Clear the game on normal or hard and the weapons will be silver with unlimited ammo.
Black Ops Difficulty ... Clear all stages on hard difficulty.

M16A2 ... Clear the game on BlackOps for an M16 w/ URGL attachment.

Unlockable MSAW
Use 5SQQ-STHA-ZFFV-7XEV a profile name (new profile). Note there must be a dash between each set of alphanumerics. Once you confirm the profile name, the game will ask for a 2nd (real) profile name. This code lets you have an MSAW in place of your side arm.

Alternates ... HQ6G-ZP3B-C5LE-WMXA and EG4P-ZGUJ-6SQJ-3X68.

Check image
Hint: Cursor Colour
Play the coloured game and pay attention to your reticule. When it shifts colour from white to another colour, you are targeting something interesting:

Red is hostile target.
Blue is a destructable secondary objective.
Black is destructable environment.
Green is a friendly (rare).

Senin, 22 November 2010



1.Buka cheat engine
2.klik select proces to open(icon gambar komputer di pojok kanan setengah atas):astig:
3.cari browser yang kamu pakai utk main ninja saga
4.trus klik open 5.pada kolom value type ganti dengan "Array of bytes" dan centang also scan read in-memory
6.scan kode ini 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 di frist scan
7.:hi:klik 2x di bawah tulisan addres(pojok kanan setengah atas)
8.di bagian bawah kan hasil dari klik 2x tadi
9.di bawah tulisan value klik 2x
10.ganti kode 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
11. menjadi 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2


  1. buka cheat engine
  2. process ke mozila1.buka cheat engine
  3. process ke mozila
  4. selesaikan daily task itu misalnya mission completed 4
  5. sudah selesai ingat "jangan diclaim dulu"
  6. buka cheat engine ubah value type 4 bytes menjadi 8 bytes
  7. tulis jumlah uang kamu lalu first scan
  8. klik 2x adress yang muncul
  9. klik adress 2x ganti xxxx78 menjadi xxxxAC
  10. lalu ganti value nya menjadi 75000
  11. lalu masuk kage room
  12. Lalu centang di cheat engine eneble speed hack 1.0 menjadi 500.0
  13. lalu claim reward daily task nya

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

cheat level ninja saga "no banned"

cheat ini sifatnya bertahap dan terus di ulangi sampai level yg kita inginkan
sebelumnya coba masuk ke ninja saga dulu buat cek exp kita sekarang, dan yg dibutuhkan brp exp buat naik level

misal y:
buat char baru, ikuti aja ampe battle selesai
ntar kan kita lihat di menu exp
130/141 berarti kita perlu 11 poin exp untuk naik lvl
tpi inget, jgn kita tambah 11 poin, kurangi aja 1 poin, jdinya 10 poin nantinya
berarti hasilnya bakal seperti ini 140/141
1. download dolo cheatengine 5.5 http://cheatengine.org/
2. maen pake browser mozila firefox
3. buka Facebooknya
4. buka ninja saga tpi jangan masuk ke char km
5. open ce 5.5
6. klik gambar komputer yang ada kaca pembesarnya, tepatnya di bagian kiri atas, dibawah file
7. cari mozila firefox dan klik open
8. cheklist hex, asrom, dan ganti 4 byte ke 8bytes
9. masukkan value “3B0008C25B5E0689″ lalu First scan
10. setelah di scan akan ada 2 address, pilih yg ke-2, klik kanan “Dissamble this memory region”
11. klik kanan mov [esi],eax “ToogleBreakPoint”
12. klik play ninja saga pd char yg anda inginkan
13. klik debug > run > debug > run kan ceritanya kita lvl 1
14. di bagian kanan atas ada register “EAX 00000082″(kenapa 82? karena exp sekarang jmlhnya 130 ini dalam bentuk desimal, dan 82 itu dalam bentuk heksadesimal). tadikan kita hanya perlu menambah 10 poin untuk mendekati naik level, yauda 130+10=140, ubah 140 jadi heksadesimal, jadinya “8C”, lalu 2x klik “EAX 00000082″ dan ganti dgn “0000008C”
15. klik kanan lgi “tooggleBreakPoint”, klik debug > run
16. maka anda akan masuk ke dalam ninja saga dengan lvl 1 exp 140/141
17. coba misi 1x untuk naik level
18. untuk level 2 cara sama, tinggal ulangi poin 1-13, pas point 14 logikanya begini misal exp sekarang 10/304, berarti kita perlu 294 untuk naik lvl, inget kurangi 1 point, jadenya 293 gunakan langkah 14 untuk mengetahui jumlah exp kita sekarang, misal yg tertera “EAX 00000097″ (kenapa 97? karena exp sekarang totalnya 151 ini dalam bentuk desimal, dan 97 itu dalam bentuk heksadesimal). tadikan kita hanya perlu menambah 293 poin untuk mendekati naik level, yauda 151+293=404, ubah 404 jadi heksadesimal, jadinya “1BC”, lalu 2x klik “EAX 00000097″ dan ganti dgn “000001BC”

19. klik kanan lgi “tooggleBreakPoint”, klik debug > run
20. maka anda akan masuk ke dalam ninja saga dengan lvl 2 exp 303/304
21. coba misi 1x untuk naik level
22. untuk level 3 dan seterusnya sama saja, yg beda expnya…

scroll heck with cheat engine

ok langsung aja gw share nih hack scrool yg paling gampang
Tools :
- Cheat Engine versi apa saja

Steps :
1.Buka Ninja Saga
2.Buka CE dan Valuenya Text
3.jalankan misi (pastikan anda pny scrool/item)
4.waktu giliran anda jalan anda klik item

misal'a anda punya healing scrool lvl12 (item11)
tulis di CE item 11
nah nanti anda ganti dgn item terserah:
*item1 (smoke bomb)
*item2 (healing scroll lvl 1 )
*item3 (chakra scroll lvl 1 )
*item4 (healing scroll lvl 3 )
*item5 (chakra scroll lvl 3 )
*item6 (healing scroll lvl 6 )
*item7 (chakra scroll lvl 6 )
*item8 (healing scroll lvl 9 )
*item9 (chakra scroll lvl 9 )
*item10 (chakra scroll lvl 12 )
*item11 (healing scroll lvl 12 )
*item12 (healing scroll lvl 15 )
*item13 (chakra scroll lvl 15 )
*item14 (healing scroll lvl 20 )
*item15 (chakra scroll lvl 20 )
*item16(special rune scroll)
*item17 (healing scroll lvl 25 )
*item18 (chakra scroll lvl 25 )
*item19 (healing scroll lvl 30 )
*item20 (chakra scroll lvl 30 )
*item21 (healing scroll lvl 35 )
*item22 (chakra scroll lvl 35 )
*item23 (healing scroll lvl 40 )
*item24 (chakra scroll lvl 40 )
setelah itu close menu item dan buka lg
lihat item anda akan berubah jd scrool yg anda inginkan NB:
-hanya bsa dipakai di saat misi
-tidak bsa dijual
saran: liad {u}textnya kalo utext 5 ganti dengan utext 5 kalo utext6 harus ganti utext6

Kamis, 04 November 2010


Udah beberapa hari belajar bermain rubic 3x3 akhirnya DaRa nemu juga nih rumus dan tutorialnya, buat yang mau liat langsung video tutornya bisa langsung menuju ke www.youtube.com/robertmingliang
dan download juga panduanya di http://www.indowebster.com/Rubiks_Tutorial.html dengan password : boljugrubiks .
Dan berikut adalah tutor singkat yang DaRa peroleh dari blog friend saya diameter.web.id.
Rubik adalah sebuah permainan anak kecil yang kini sedang ngetrend dikalangan masyarakat. Ya, walaupun mainan ini seperti permainan anak kecil, namun justru anak-anak kecil tidak dapat menyelesaikannya dengan mudah. Karena permainan ini memutar logika dan otak anda. Siapapun pasti dibuat pusing oleh rubik ini, termasuk saya.
Sebelum anda memulai, ada baiknya anda mengetahui istilah-istilah yang akan digunakan dalam rumus kubik nanti.
Nah, selanjutnya anda tinggal mengikuti step yang telah saya buat di bawah ini.

Step 1

- Membuat cross (+) putih dengan center kuning.
- Mencocokan warna di bawah tanda cross kemudian memutarnya (F2) sehingga cross putih sekarang bercenter putih.

Step 2

- Membuat bagian bawah berwarna putih semua sekaligus “T”
– Rumus : R U R’
- Mencocokkan 2 baris warna di bagian bawah.
–Rumus : U R U’ R’  U’ F’ U F

Step 3

- Membuat cross kuning bercenter kuning.
(i) Jika ada bagian kuning yang membentuk huruf L, maka letakkan L tersebut di pojok kanan bawah (terbalik tentunya)
– Rumus : f R U  R’ U’ f’
(ii) Jika bagian kuning membentuk garis (3 warna sama sebaris) dengan melewati center, maka letakkan garis dalam posisi horisontal.
– Rumus : F R U  R’ U’ F’
(iii) Jika tidak membentuk apa-apa (hanya ada 1 titik kuning di center).
– Rumus : F R U R’ U’ F’  f R U R’ U’ f’

Step 4

- Membuat bentuk “ikan” terlebih dahulu.
– Cari warna kuning pada bagian F pojok kanan atas.
– Rumus : R U R’ U   R U2 R’
- Membuat bagian atas menjadi seluruhnya berwarna kuning.
– Rumus : R U R’ U  R U2 R’

Step 5

- Membuat kedua ujung atas F menjadi sama warna.
(i) Jika sudah ada sisi yang sama, letakkan di kiri.
(ii) Jika tidak lanjutkan saja.
– Rumus : R U2 R’ U’  R U2 L’ U  R’ U’ L
- Memindahkan bagian tengah atas F sehingga seluruh sisi menjadi sama warna.
(i) Jika bagian yang akan dipindahkan berlawanan arah dengan jarum jam, maka gunakan U’ dalam rumus berikut.
(ii) Jika bagian yang akan dipindahkan searah dengan jarum jam, maka gunakan U dalam rumus berikut.
– Rumus : F2 (U/U’) L R’  F2 R L’ (U/U’) F2

                                                     THE END

Rabu, 03 November 2010

cheat ninja saga

Masih ada juga yang minta cheat, yaudah, share aja lah kalo gitu, demi pembaca setia, rada basi ni cheat, pi biar aja lah, kan ada juga pembaca yang belum tau, yang udah tau, gag usah komentar. hehehe ^^

Yang di butuh kan :
- Flock Browser
- C.E 5.5/5.6

Caranya :

1. buka ninjasaga di facebook
2. masuk ke akun anda dan pilih sebuah misi, biarkan anda di serang selama 1 putaran
3. buka cheat engine, dan pilih proses flock.exe

4. pilih "Array of byte" di value type, dan
" A93F9A9999999999A93F " di value, lalu scan

5. nanti akan didapat sebuah address, tambahkan kedalam list
6. gandakan item tersebut (copy - paste)

7. pada item pertama klik kanan
- set a hot key.
set hotkey dengan F2
>>selanjutnya klik ok trus klik kanan di adres 1 >>
change record >> value >> isikan
" F03F000000000000F03F "

8. pada item kedua klik kanan
- set a hot key.
set hotkey dengan F3
>>selanjutnya klik ok trus klik kanan di adres 2>>
change record >> value >> isikan
" A93F000000000000F03F "

9. sekarang mainkan ninja saga, jangan lupa tekan F2(dodge mode).
sekaran setiap serangan akan dodge.
10. ketika akan menyerang tekan F3 (critical mode)
11. jangan lupa aktifkan dodge mode ketika akan diserang,
dan critical mode ketika akan menyerang, sebab musuhpun akan kritikal atau dodge
12. Selamat mencoba.
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